Monday 21 February 2022

Comedy: Rob Newman - WIP

Started off the day getting food in Liverpool Street again - I see the departure boards have trains on them again! Anyway, for this evening, my other cheap ticket club - and more comedy. CT has limited tickets for the excellent Rob Newman's comedy show at 2Northdown. At least the rain died off.

I decided to have dinner up that direction, for a change - and spotted an Indian restaurant, Indian Lounge, nearby. So I determined to head for that, a little early. Well, the buses had different ideas.. all the stops near Liverpool Street were closed when I headed out, because of an "unsafe structure" on a nearby building. When I eventually figured out where the #205 came from to get there, and made my way down there - no sign of the bus! I finally gave it up as a bad job, and took the Tube.

Wasn't too hard to find the restaurant anyway - and I was the first to arrive, beating the evening rush.

Really friendly staff. One was dead keen on stepping outside to hail passers-by. Sometimes, it worked. To be fair, the place did fill up well, shortly after I arrived.

I was entertained by a never-ending stream of - not sure whether it was movie clips or music videos - projected onto the wall opposite, mutely. It was quite entertaining - looked like a mish-mash of Bollywood dancing and action. Meantime, I stuck to the old reliables - lamb samosas, butter chicken, peshwari naan. A large glass of the house white - and that canny maitre d', seeing that my glass was getting low, suggested another. How prescient. The samosas were nice - the butter chicken was unusual in my experience, less buttery than I'm used to. But nice. I have to say, from the gorgeous smell coming from a nearby table, I don't think I got the best dish! The naan was gorgeous - despite the base being burnt to a crisp. Wow, it was nice to have an Indian again - and I definitely can't fault the service. Or the price. Would happily return. Oh, and they treated me to a shot (and a chocolate) as I paid..

Made the short walk down to the venue - and it was a very good thing I knew where it was. Basically, turn from Euston Road onto Northdown Street, it's a shed-like building on the right. A small door to the right allows access. There was no sign when I arrived. Someone inside the door checked my name off a list, I bought a drink and took a seat at the back.

He's a very cerebral performer, and we got a lot of education about geological time periods, for example. And this is very much a WIP. Well, I did get into it to some extent - but thought it'd be funnier. Ah well, at least I paid under the odds. Runs till the end of the week.

Oh, and on the way back - I got the #205. Go figure.

Tomorrow, I finally get to see Laurence Summers again - 45+ Not Grumpy Old Londoners are off on a Cruising Covent Garden pub walk. Except I saw it first on their sister group, Carpe Diem, and have booked with them. Let's hope the wind has died down by then!

On Wednesday, I'm with Civilised London (CL) again. They're going to a lot of plays these days - on Wednesday, we're at The Forest in Hampstead Theatre. A few famous people in this - Millie BradySilas CarsonPaul McGannGina McKeeToby Stephens.. A while ago, I was contacted by the box office to say that during rehearsals, they'd discovered that my seat had a restricted view. Which is very thorough of them! So they'd reduced the price. I had a choice to make - did I want to stay in that seat - in which case they'd give me a credit note for the price difference, or change to another seat - if available, or upgrade to a more expensive seat and pay the difference, or perhaps book for another night? Well, I didn't want another night - so I rang them, and discovered there were no other seats available at my original price, so I upgraded, and am now in the second row. Well, as she said, the view would be excellent! Anyway, this is now sold out for the entire run.

On Thursday, London Classical Music and Theatre Group just advertised an LSO concert at the Barbican - so I'm going. Then back to Ireland for the weekend - and with more legal stuff pending, doesn't look like I can squeeze in a film. We'll see.

Next Monday, back with them for a concert at Wigmore Hall.

On the first, Interesting Talks London is discussing - via Zoom - IEMT and Psoriasis - How Moving Your Eyes Helps a Skin Condition! Hmm..

On the second, back with CL for a Turkish meal, at Liman - meeting beforehand at The Crown, as usual.

And on the third, back with Guided Walking Tours in Brighton and Sussex, for what promises to be a very interesting talk: Dark Days Virtual Show - The Dark Days of Edgar Allen Poe. Love Edgar Allen Poe, myself..

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