Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Play: The Child in the Snow

Tonight, what's looking like my only outing of the year with Civilised London! It'd be great to get back with them, though. This was The Child in the Snow, a Christmas ghost story playing at Wilton's - also the first time I'd have been there, post-lockdown!

An easy bus from right outside the office - mind you, I nearly froze to death waiting for it! See, the terminus is just down the road - and as luck would have it, my Buses Due app was unavailable, due to a "problem connecting to the server". So I stood there and froze - but to be fair, it didn't take too long to arrive.

I alighted near the venue, and made my way in to meet the group. And immediately noticed changes.. new lanterns, for instance!

I also see they seem to have moved the piano upstairs, and have much more seating there. For my part, I was in a cheap seat again..

Although the friendly usher, obviously delighted to have crowds back, was happy to tell me I could move forwards at the interval, if I wanted. Which I did.

Woo, I could now see all the stage!

This is a classic, talky, ghost story - which I love. What I particularly noticed were the scene changes - quite professional, being rather more subtle, than - for instance - 2:22: A Ghost Story. In that, scene changes are marked by an horrific shriek, amounting to a jump scare - in this, however, although something of the same device is used, it's that much subtler, and sounds more professional.

A young girl is orphaned and sent to live in a ruined old Hall in the middle of nowhere - which houses terrible secrets. What is particularly commendable about the play is that there are only two performers - one for the girl, while the other plays no fewer than three parts: the cousin who owns the Hall to which she's sent, the housekeeper, and the medium that she contacts in later years, to try to relive what she experienced then. And they're excellent. I found it very atmospheric, the sound and lighting used to great effect. I wish I'd paid better attention to the scene where the doll moved! That's gonna bug me. All in all, an excellent production - runs until the end of the year. Go see. And I look forward to returning here - I see they've moved the piano upstairs, and have much more seating there.. 

Afterwards, we repaired to The White Swan, which started me off in fine form with two favourites of mine - American Pie, which I sang while waiting (and waiting) to be served, followed by Paradise City. Ooh yeah.. nice cozy pub, festive atmosphere, great chat.

Nice antidote to the horror that is work. And an easy walk home.

Tomorrow afternoon, we have our office Christmas Party. Literally in the office, which they're apparently transforming into a casino. Hmm. Assuming we pass the lateral flow test they're now telling us all we have to take.

Anyway, that evening, the 
Crick Crack Club has what is apparently their first Christmas show ever! In Rich Mix. Wow, should be epic. But.. wouldn't you know it, a spot has been reserved in a pub near the office, and some drinks pre-ordered. So we'll see how it goes - tarnation, why does everything have to happen on the same night?!

On Friday, I'm meeting Ivan and another ex-colleague for drinks (I don't expect the other ex-colleague to last the night, but anyway.) He suggested Soho, I suddenly remembered where the Man with the Hat used to take us! The Nellie Dean will do very well indeed - I have so many good memories. I also remember the Man with the Hat once asking us whether we'd miss him..

Yes, we do. Very much.

On Saturday, I'll drag myself into wakefulness to meet HelenLondon Transport Museum it is, and brunch will be welcome, I daresay.

And on Sunday, I'm booked with Guided Walking Tours in Brighton & Sussex again, for Victorian Ghost Stories at Christmas (via Zoom)..

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