Friday 13 November 2020

Film: The Leisure Seeker & Paranormal Investigation in Loftus Hall

Gee, but I've had a busy week! And so, 'tis only now that I get to tell you about The Leisure Seeker, which was finally shown on telly on Wednesday. I say "finally" because it was supposed to screen a couple of weeks ago - postponed for a Covid update. Bah humbug. Anyway, they finally got around to it this week.

Basically, it's the story of an elderly American couple - Helen Mirren and Donald Sutherland (neither, ironically, American) - who escape their humdrum lives to go on a road trip in their rusty old rv ("The Leisure Seeker", as per the title). As you might expect, the (grown-up) kids are annoyed at this unanticipated disruption to their schedule, and much hilarity ensues as they get lost, fall foul of the police, etc.

This film goes much deeper than a simple, madcap road trip, though, as we gradually learn how sick each of them is, how this is their last hurrah before inevitable decline, and how they have a particular destination - Hemingway's house - in mind. He was an English teacher, you see, has a passion for Hemingway, and always wanted to see his house. Well, this is their last chance. Those kids of theirs would never let them..

It's a delight. The funny bits are hilarious, the sad bits are poignant, and as they go on their way, everyone they share a little of their story with is charmed by them. She plays a blinder at deadpan comedy, while he's great at acting cute - or clueless, as he mostly is; dementia is his problem, you see. It's really watchable, America has never looked better - and the ending is really touching. I tell you this, though - after seeing the touristy chaos of the Hemingway house, I don't think I'd ever bother going there! I'm sure its original owner would have hated the noisy, nosy crowds.

And so to tonight - and in honour of Friday 13th, Paranormal Researchers Ireland did another ghostly session in Loftus Hall. Only advertised it yesterday - and I felt obliged to sign up, having missed the one on Hallowe'en. You join these on the "Afterdark" section of Loftus Hall's website, and this one cost €4.99. I signed up this evening - once I navigated their fiddly application form; the session streamed, apparently, from 9 to 12, but I was (as usual) watching telly with my mother, and couldn't get to watch properly until 11.45..

Happily, I got to see a good bit, as they didn't actually finish until 12.30. Interestingly, I found it better on my phone - the various camera shots were small enough that about three fitted on the screen, which allowed for a greater breadth of viewing, and reception was better. And I tell you this, it's fascinating - spooky to start with, the house is in complete darkness; they have torches and the cameras have night vision. I was only thrilled to see extensive orb activity on the staircase - seriously, it was like rush hour. Meantime, in the control room, they were telling those watching to note down anything they saw or heard, with a timestamp.

They include a separate video from the control room, on Facebook, which covers the last hour - and I was gutted that it was just before I started watching that someone saw a dark figure! You can't really see much on this video - you are looking directly at the wall of video screens, but they're too small - but it's interesting to listen to, as they chat to the girl who's been sent alone to the haunted room (ghost bait). The actual camera footage from the hall is being kept streaming to subscribers for 24 hours - and sure enough, watching for a while after, I saw tons more orb activity and heard some banging from the audio of the haunted room. Spooky stuff, indeed.. I see the hall is up for sale, hope the new owners keep up the haunted house aspect.

Tomorrow, back to whatever's left on the Raindance film festival site.

Now, with the UK locked down again, Up in the Cheap Seats is looking into online offerings again - and it's from them that I got my next two ideas! I can't make their times though, so will watch on my own. On Sunday, the choice is a reading of Boston Marriage, streamed from the USA by TodayTix - available until Monday @8pm EST. Sadly, as the actual show is over, it won't accept new bookings! Just as well I booked before the show started.

Tuesday is my birthday, and I have every intention of taking the time to see something. And that day, they're watching Emilia - a recording of a past show, it's available till a week after Tuesday. And they're still taking bookings - for the minimal fee of £1! So I've booked that as well. Gee, it feels great to have things booked again!

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