Friday 5 July 2019

Concert: La Tremendita & La Shica

Today, Helen was in town for a training course. The London European Club was taking a group to a flamenco (music only, no dance) concert at Rich Mix, and we decided to go. Kudos to our diligent organiser, who noticed that the show was actually starting half an hour later than the advertised time! We decided on Nando's beforehand - for evening, no need to book near my office.

Jeez, it was a good thing the concert was on that bit later.. it would be today that I had to stay a little late. All flipping day, I was sat there doing nothing - they had to make a last-minute change for a release, were working on it all last night and all of today, and I had to wait for them to finish, in order to get the information I needed. And all day, I was worried that it'd eat into my evening time.

Well, when Helen texted to say she was en route, I went in search of the fellow who was supposed to help me. Just as I found him, he was grabbed by another senior chap - when he mentioned me in conversation, I figured my time had come! Sure enough, the more senior guy was in the process of writing everything in a more palatable form for consumption. And then my boss was roped into helping me to explain all of it. Meantime, Helen was arriving downstairs - and wouldn't you know it, they wouldn't let her stay there! She had to drag herself up to the office, where she perched on the sofa in reception, while we scratched our heads and tried to get finished asap. She'd been there for over an hour when I rescued her.. but the work got done. Whoopee.

Happily, Nando's is good and fast, and we were served in no time. Gorgeous, in general - only thing was, the chicken was a bit chewy today. We had to queue again for desserts - that seems to be a thing, now - and by the time I'd chomped my way through a choc-a-lot cake (richest known to humanity), it was time to be off. (They had no cream to serve with it, but as I'd ordered a scoop of ice cream to accompany it - at an extra cost - they just gave me an extra one of those. I was stuffed by the time I left!)

Bus straight to Rich Mix then, and we got our wrists stamped and went straight in, just in time. Handily, it was on the ground floor. I spotted the group, but the place was packed and there was no seating near them - none at all, really! They did bring in more chairs later, but we found ourselves decent seats on the bench at the side. It was so lovely and cool that she wondered whether we weren't sitting on the aircon!

La Tremendita, on first, was a real revelation. Half her head shaved, the other half a riot of curls, dressed in a leather jacket, she rocked the place on guitar. Definitely not purist flamenco! But you know, she sang in just that style - and after a while, I came to recognise flamenco rhythms in the rock she played. Loved her!

The interval was a chance to get a drink, check in with the group. Afterwards, we had a much different musical style - La Shica was sassy, throwing shapes across the stage before ever a note was played. The large screen at the back was finally brought into play, with a terrific video display to accompany the songs - pity my phone camera wouldn't focus for it! And she and her accompanist formed a hilarious double act, her constantly making him translate her Spanish for us.. until someone from the audience volunteered to take his place! Oh, and so much for having no dancing - the singer went into full flamenco dance mode eventually..

So glad I came. Unfortunate that Helen had to leave early.. the finale was a blast, both appearing onstage together. What a show! and by now, everyone who was left was on their feet and dancing along. Olé..

Afterwards, some of us trotted along Brick Lane to the Truman Brewery for a nightcap. How lovely it was, to be able to sit out in the warm evening air.. sultriest day of the year so far. Here's to more balmy evenings!

For tomorrow, the Globe was just in touch last week - for that day only, there's a musical performance, evoking the story of King Lear, in the Wanamaker Playhouse. Had a look at the trailer, liked what I saw - and booked it: the matinee, for better availability. When I just checked, however, it seemed they hadn't emailed me my ticket - I've contacted them, I'm sure they'll set it right. They are quite efficient with this kind of thing. Pity it's the matinee, in a way - I could do with a rest!

On Sunday, heading with North London Friends to Ballet Flamenco Sara Baras - part of Sadler's WellsFlamenco Festival. So I'll get more flamenco dancing! The lady hosting is going with some people from her Spanish class, and heading for tapas after - hell, why not? Even if I don't join them, I'll love the show.

And on Monday, back with Up in the Cheap Seats at last, for Peter Gynt at the National. Modern version.

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