Sunday 25 August 2013

Lille: Day 2

Rained this morning, but cleared up early enough. I found a convenient sandwich place for breakfast - right around the corner - then repaired back to the hotel. The only sightseeing I had to do today related to two churches, neither of which opened until 3!

In the event, I missed the opening of one, which duly closed at 4. I wandered in the direction of the other - Église St Maurice - which I got lovely exterior photos of, only to find, clustered around the entrance, the usual crowd of Roma beggars. Including a cat, on a lead, of all things. So I skipped it, and wandered off to the cathedral, to see whether they had turned the lights on again - they turned them off shortly after I arrived yesterday. They had indeed turned them on again - cue some more photos.

I then repaired to the hotel again, to apply one of the plasters I'd bought. I've been having some trouble with my little toe, and the shoes I'm wearing, which are quite old. So when I found an open pharmacy, I went in - despite not having swotted up on the French for "plaster". Fortunately, she spoke enough English to manage, and I got what I wanted. My toe is much better now. She also asked where I was from, remarking that I was much easier to understand than Americans. :-)

This evening, my toe and I went in search of dinner. I had a place in mind, and after a trawl of the old town during which I found nothing better, I came back to that place. When I found it again, after an hour of wandering. And found it closed!! With no notice to say when it was open. Bah humbug! There was nothing for it but to return to Place Rihour, just down the road from the hotel, which is crammed with tourist restaurants and I'd been trying to avoid. Last time, I ate at Café Leffe, which was ok but not spectacular. This time, I continued to the end of the street, where La Chicorée café was buzzing. Had a good meal, including an excellent dessert - the "Merveilleux de Chocolat" - meringue, chocolate mousse, chocolate shavings, chocolate sauce. Ooh yeah. And was v impressed with the service, especially given the busyness of the place. Just catch the waiter's eye - he'll be with you in due course. French not necessary - they have English translations on the menu, and I suspect they all speak it. But it's nice that they understood my French. :-)

Shops were mostly closed today. But I did manage to get to Au Chat Bleu.. a chocolatier, again, just down the road from the hotel. Where I decided to treat myself to €10 worth of chocolates. Which bought me three chocolates, coming to €10.20. I shall try them tonight.. tomorrow, between checkout, at 12, and check-in for the train, at about 6.30, I have time to buy more. Hopefully, not so expensive. Yes, Lille is certainly the place to spoil yourself..!

Bonne nuit a tous..

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