Saturday 12 December 2020

Murder Mystery Matinee

Well, I had nothing definite today - until 45+ Not Grumpy Old Londoners made more places available on their Murder Mystery Matinee! It had been full up when I'd looked before - and while they do have a repeat this evening, that's too late for me. So I was delighted to see availability when I checked back. (They also advertised with Carpe Diem, so I guess they're companion groups.)

Aw, I'm so glad I went! The organiser wore a moustache to get into the swing of things - but more, there were actors to portray the assisting detective - and each of the suspects. So, we were together to have the scene of the crime described to us, and the nature of the murder; we then split into breakout rooms, where our first task was to break a code found in the victim's notebook. Which was great fun! After that, and a short break, we had to interview each suspect, then more information, another round of interviews, pick a spokesperson, and present our findings and choice of killer.

Good job we had one other useful person on our team - there were four of us, but one hardly said anything, and as for the fourth! She kept her mic off the whole time, and we couldn't even see anything on her screen, most of the time - despite us inviting her to speak, and saying we couldn't see her, she had obviously decided just to observe. Which is a shame. Because the rest of us had a ball, despite completely running out of questions to ask the suspect! And we didn't get the right person, but never mind.

That was my second event with this group, and both excellent. I'd love to come to more, but they tend to be on in the evenings. Still, will definitely keep an eye on their future schedule.

Tomorrow, Up in the Cheap Seats is watching the last in that series of online, read plays - Barbecue, tickets from TodayTix again, with a minimum donation of $5.

And I'm taking my Christmas holidays on Friday - and London Social Detours has just announced another talk for that day, in their British Heroes and Villains series. We get to vote at the end, apparently - whether for the greatest hero, or the greatest villain, I don't know. Still, isn't it great that Meetup has so much stuff on again that I can go to?

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