Monday 19 October 2020

Film: Rocket Singh - Salesman of the Year

Yesterday's film was Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year. Available on Amazon Prime, this is an Indian comedy about a young man who decides to go into sales - but soon finds the job unfulfilling.

Honestly, I hated the first half-hour of this. A feckless young man wastes his time in college, and graduates, but not with anything spectacular. A friend's advice to do an MBA is pointless, as he doesn't have the funds. So, he gets a job as a salesman at a computer company. Sadly, it doesn't work out well for him - he's actually quite honorable, a man of integrity, and hates the company's standard practice of bribing clients. When this becomes apparent to the company - well, he is absolutely vilified. And I hated it because, well, it's actually quite realistic. Imagine working in an office where it's dog-eat-dog, and some employees are second-class citizens. Prejudice and petty insults are commonplace - no wonder he hates going to work every day.

Ah but am I glad I stuck with it - only because I was distracted by something else! Because, one fine day, he's inspired with an idea.. and it's not too much of a giveaway to say that he goes into business for himself, bringing in other discontented employees. He quite simply builds a business model based on respect for the customer's needs. As his business grows and grows, it starts to steal customers from the company he officially works for! And the CEO of that company has a lesson or two to learn..

I ended up absolutely loving this film. Yes, the triumph of good is a bit fanciful - but hey, it's very feelgood. And the growing of the business - at the back of the office, at night, and avoiding the eye of the ever-more suspicious CEO - is gripping! Very happy to recommend this - it's an excellent piece of work.

It's a long one, so I broke about halfway through - and was then too tired to finish watching it last night. Finished it just now. Anyway, for Saturday, next film up is Kim Swims. Another story of someone who bucks the trend, this is a documentary about a woman who, eh, swims in the shark-infested waters off California. Well, each to their own..

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