Saturday 15 August 2020

Film: The Gunfighter (short)

Today, for some reason, no-one is doing online Meetups again. Again, I decided on film -  never fear, there's always another. Well, there's a halfway infinite list! As a friend of mine once asked - is it my aim to see them all one day? Certainly looks like it's happening - slowly.. last night, looking through Amazon Prime, I came across a highly rated short, The Gunfighter, set in a classic Western saloon, which a gunslinger enters. The narrator sets the scene for us - but.. the characters in the saloon can hear the narrator..! So I watched that.

Ah, perfect - if you have Amazon Prime Video, you should really check this out! It's under 10 minutes long, keenly observed, and hilarious. I can't really say any more, and you don't need to know - just go search for it. I guess I can now use the rest of the day catching up on practicalities..

Tomorrow - why, London Social Detours has something on again at a time I can make! Specifically, a slideshow about the history of Islington - where I used to live, and which is still just up the road from me. Cool - I've signed up.

Next Saturday, they're doing another "time-travel" - Ancient Rome this time, complete with a short film again.

And on the 23rd, they just announced a talk, by someone from the National Gallery, about Catherine of Aragon! I was the first to sign up - nice to be kept busy again..

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