Saturday 15 August 2020

Film: Escaping Dad

One of tonight's tv film offerings didn't sound terrible, so with nothing on the other channels, I thought I'd give Amber Alert a try. Actually, as sometimes happens, it turned out to be something completely different - a film called Escaping Dad, in which the abused wife of a cop goes on the run with the kids, and he puts out an "amber alert" for them, which is issued when there's a danger of violence. This, of course, is a complete fabrication - he pretends she's stolen his gun as well as the cash and passports, and that she has ongoing mental health issues and is a danger to the kids.

The only issue I have with this - which was the first thing I noticed about the film - is how young she seems. But actually, checking their relative ages - the mother, Sunny Maybrey, is just old enough to have been a young mother to her daughter (played by Grace van Dien). And I missed the very beginning, but I think this daughter is supposed to have been born before her marriage to this cop (Jason Wiles). Otherwise, this is a pretty no-nonsense thriller, which sticks mostly with her story, and effectively conveys the suspense and stresses of being on the run. Very little violence, refreshingly, and mostly realistic - although it's handy how she has a friend with a yacht they can stay on! Nicely photogenic.. Give it a look if you see it, it's much better than the average made-for-tv movie.

Tomorrow - why, London Social Detours has something on again at a time I can make! Specifically, a slideshow about the history of Islington - where I used to live, and which is still just up the road from me. Cool - I've signed up.

Next Saturday, they're doing another "time-travel" - Ancient Rome this time, complete with a short film again.

And on the 23rd, they just announced a talk, by someone from the National Gallery, about Catherine of Aragon! I was the first to sign up - nice to be kept busy again..

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