Sunday 9 August 2020

Classical Music

Today had no online Meetups that I could see. However, the London Chamber Music group was attending a classical concert, live in Highbury. I couldn't go, of course - and it was sold out anyway. But as they published the programme - I could recreate it for myself. A popular set, including HaydnMozart, and Beethoven - just the thing for whenever there was a black hole in the tv listings! I couldn't have the setting - but it couldn't be helped.

The listings weren't actually terrible today - but there did come a point where I decided I'd rather be listening to some good music, so I turned off the tv and set to it. And I must say, it was blissful - positioned right in front of the fan, to cope with the sweltering heat (I have it on most of my waking hours, now). The first two pieces were absolutely perfect for a relaxed, sunny, Sunday afternoon. Funnily enough, I wasn't enamoured of the Beethoven - he's my favourite classical composer, but I just thought it didn't quite fit with the others! The more dramatic tone jarred slightly - perhaps it would have fitted better, live. Anyway, I included the YouTube links on the composers' names, above, so you can try the combo for yourselves..

Speaking of links, London Social Detours (LSD) finally published the links to the Elizabethan videos included with yesterday's event:

Elizabethan London

Life at Court of Elizabeth l

What was life like for the poor in the towns of Elizabethan England?

What was life like for the rural poor in Elizabethan England? | History - Elizabethan England

Who were the rich in Elizabethan England?

To what extent was life changing in Elizabethan England?

As I said, the ones I saw so far were most innovative and entertaining, and I'd be happy to check out the rest!

On Saturday, for some reason, no-one is doing online Meetups again. At the moment, I'm thinking film - highest on my film list (on Amazon Prime) is A Good Day to Die, a documentary about the American Indian Movement. Looks compelling. Incidentally, Mubi is no longer an option - my free period expired, and I cancelled my subscription. Now, the last time I did that, they gave me an extra free month - this time, they offered a year at half price! I still decided it wasn't worth paying for.. (I actually left it slightly late to cancel, so it's a good thing that the payment card I'd specified has since been cancelled, or I'd have been charged!)

Next Sunday - why, LSD has something on again at a time I can make! Specifically, a slideshow about the history of Islington - where I used to live, and which is still just up the road from me. Cool - I've signed up.

And on the 22nd, they're doing another "time-travel" - Ancient Rome this time, complete with a short film again. They're getting busy, these days..

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