Saturday, 10 April 2021

Cultureseekers History and Culture Quiz - 1 Year of Saturday Quizzes & St. Patrick's Festival

Another late advertisement for Cultureseekers' weekly quiz, which I just got around to signing up for last night. I didn't go to last week's, which involved wearing silly hats - not my thing. Boring, I know. Anyway, this one was a picture quiz again - and in celebration of it being the 52nd weekly quiz since lockdown started - so, the one-year anniversary - the quiz comprised 25 questions from past quizzes. So, if you could remember the answers, you were sorted! Mind you, I was only at one of them - none of whose questions came up. But hey.

I had a late night, so ended up having brunch while lurking on my phone for this. With 67 people booked, it was the usual chaotic chatter, which I didn't engage in - I hardly knew anyone on the call, and it was hard to get a word in edgeways. Of course, with the death of Prince Philip yesterday, it was mostly about the royal family. He had an interesting life, and a keen wit - and was a real looker, right into older age. RIP.

When the quiz finally started, it was mostly London questions, handily, and as someone remarked, a good mix - spot the location, identify the landmark, what's the film / show? I have to hand it to the organiser, he's very well-prepared, these are very well thought out. And I was delighted with some of the answers I came up with - I correctly identified Wilton's, and the top of Southwark Cathedral - and had seen both the film (28 Days Later, which starts in London) and the show (Everybody's Talking About Jamie). We'll have to forgive his mispronunciation of Cillian Murphy's name.. And although I came nowhere near the top, I got a creditable score, and beat some who had actually seen the photos before. V enjoyable.

Afterwards, the usual hole in tv programming, what with all the sport. So.. It's nearly a month now since St. Patrick's Day. And what with the pandemic raging harder than ever, of course it was all online this year - at least they had more time to prepare than last year! And they did us proud, with a week's worth of festivities - most available on the festival website, and for free. I hadn't had time to see everything I wanted to, but luckily, it's mostly still there to watch.

Today's helping started with the last of the Transitions techno music series - Simon Cullen's piece is a very chilled mood piece, perfect background music for a relaxed half hour or so.

Not inclined towards the yoga videos that come next, I scrolled down and came to a comedy song by Michael Fry about what he's doing in lockdown. The song itself isn't up to much, but it's an adequate backdrop to the funny antics he gets up to in this short video. Recommended.

The Street Sweeper is a sweet little film, about a street sweeper that sees treasure in the trash.

And finally, Manchán Magan, whom I've seen for decades on Irish tv doing Irish-language documentaries about nature or language, has Sea Tamagotchi, in which he travels around the West coast of Ireland, interviewing fishermen about traditional Irish words associated with the sea. With the constant sound of the sea in the background, it's a lovely piece - bilingual, but if you don't speak Irish, there's about enough English to keep you afloat. And a more complete list, divided into regions, can be found on his website - I see there's a book, if you're interested. But certainly, check out this video first, for a flavour.

Still plenty on the site, for tomorrow..

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