Lo, I could walk there and back! Excellent - a nice evening for it too, although it's gone nippy. But then, I wrapped up.

Part of my route took me down Cannon Street, where major gas works are underway - and it seems they've used every piece of street furniture in London!
Less windy crossing the river this evening, thank goodness. Anyway, I arrived at the George slightly late - and looking at the crowds, I despaired of ever finding the organiser! But he'd sensibly stayed at the edge.
Had a good old chat - short on spookiness on this occasion, but we can always find something to talk about. Good to see them again. And a very pleasant walk home:
Tomorrow, I'm back to Ireland for the weekend again. On Monday, back with London European Club (LEC) for a night at the Proms - this is Prom 68: Wagner Night. At the Royal Albert Hall, natch.
On Tuesday, back at Trafalgar Studios - this time with North London Friends (NLF), for The Fishermen.
On Wednesday, I was back to the Proms, on my own.. Prom 71: Bach Night. But London Literary Walks finally advertised one - which is a better proposition. I just wish he'd post them earlier! This one is Bank Alleys - again, nice and convenient for me!
Next Thursday, I was thinking film - but not being enthused about what was coming up, I booked a cheap ticket to Remember, at the Cockpit, instead.
On the 13th, back with the LEC for a Scottish ceilidh! It's at Cecil Sharpe House. I had to cancel the last one of these I booked for, so hopefully I make this one!
On the 14th, London Dramatic Arts is off to see Two Ladies, with Zoe Wanamaker, at the Bridge Theatre. So am I - for half the price! (shh..) Going on my own, and will be avoiding them, as she takes umbrage at that sort of thing.
On the 15th, back with The Embers Collective - they haven't yet revealed the venue for Mischief on the Marshes! I've emailed them, as I should have heard at time of booking.
On the 16th, finally going to see Waitress, which I had to cancel earlier in the year. It's at the Adelphi.
On the 17th, some comedy, with Shappi Khorsandi, at Soho Theatre.
On the 18th, back with Civilised London (CL) for a Lebanese meal at Al Waha, meeting beforehand at the Prince Alfred. Then I'm back to Ireland for a long weekend.
On the 23rd, back with Up in the Cheap Seats (UITCS) - again, it'll have been nearly three weeks since I was last with them! The occasion is a production of Giselle, by the English National Ballet, at Sadler's Wells.
On the 24th, back with NLF, to Donmar Warehouse, for Appropriate.
On the 25th, the Crick Crack Club is back! Tricksters & Fools is at Rich Mix - it's another in Crick Crack's Archetypes series, and stars Sarah Liisa Wilkinson, Tim Ralphs, TUUP, and Nell Phoenix.
On the 26th, UITCS is back with Groan Ups, at the Vaudeville.
On the 27th, Love London Theatre, Arts, Music & Stuff is at Our Lady of Kibeho, at the Theatre Royal Stratford. Ahah, I knew I'd booked something else with them!
And on the 28th, I booked for the matinee of Glass. Kill. Bluebeard. Imp. at the Royal Court. And then CL organised an outing to see London Concertante perform the Four Seasons at Southwark Cathedral. What the hey, I figure I can make both! It's ages since I heard it, in fact.. and it'll be a nostalgic trip for me, as my very first Meetup with the Man with the Hat was to listen to Concertante in Southwark Cathedral. He's much missed.
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